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Kamis, 05 Januari 2012

Driving + Cell Phones = Big Road Risk

Bekasi, suatu hari gue nginep di rumah saudara gue. saat gue lagi nonton Oprah Winfrey Show.. yang tema-nya lagi tentang penggunaan handphone di kendaraan, berhubung gue sebagai pengendara motor yang belum sampai setahun dan baru boleh punya SIM juga, akhirnya gue tonton tuh acara, di situ ada komunitas "Anti Menggunakan Hp di Kendaraan" kalo ga salah orang australi.
orang - orang di ajak bikin sumpah terus di minta tanda tangan perjanjian, supaya tidak menggunakan Hp di kendaraan mereka... ada pemain baseball, artis-artis hollywood, dan si Oprahnya sendiri juga ikut bikin sumpah... di Akhir acara Oprah ngasih Website buat liat - liat tentang penyebab orang - orang kecelakaan. karena menggunakan hand phone saat berkendaraan, baik kendaran roda 2 maupun roda 4, merupakan salah satu penyebab kecelakaan tersering selain mengantuk dan mabuk saat berkendara, situsnya:

The facts

  • You’re four times more likely to crash if you use a mobile phone while driving
  • Reaction times for drivers using a phone are around 50% slower than normal driving
  • Even careful drivers can be distracted by a call or text – and a split-second lapse in concentration could result in a crash

The law

  • It’s illegal to use a hand-held mobile when driving on the road. If you are caught, you could be fined and lose your licence and your insurance costs could go up

THINK! Advice

Don't make or answer calls when you're driving
All phone calls distract drivers' attention from the road.

It's illegal to use a hand-held mobile when driving on the road even if you've stopped at traffic lights or are stuck in a traffic jam or are in a car park
All these situations are covered by the legal definition of 'driving on the road'.

Park safely before using your mobile phone
Do not park on the hard shoulder of the motorway.

Don't call other people when they're driving
If you call someone and they tell you they are driving, ask them to call you back when they have parked up safely.

save ride and you can see your family face smiling for you

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